jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Recuperar el matrimonio con amor incondicional

El otro día, en medio de una sesión, tuve una epifanía. Se me pidió que pensara en una relación que considere como ideal que haya tenido con alguien o algo durante la última semana y que piense por qué la consideraba como tal.

Varios hombres nombraron a sus choces, familias, compañeros de trabajo, viejos amigos, incluso relaciones con objetos como su control remoto, sillón reclinable o un par preferido de zapatos. Todos consideraban estas relaciones cómodas y sencillas y habían sido gratificantes y fáciles de mantener.

Cuando llegó mi turno, pensé en mi perro ya que tiene necesidades muy simples y cada noche cuando llego me da la bienvenida más entusiasta que haya recibido. No conozco a nadie que me reciba de tal forma, sin embargo mi perro se emociona sin importar cuánto tiempo he estado lejos de casa o como me ha ido. Eso es lo que yo considero amor incondicional.

Entonces, ¿qué es el amor incondicional? 

El amor incondicional es aquel que no tiene condiciones, el amor que siente su pareja una vez que el amor apasionado al estilo Hollywood se ha terminado. El amor se transforma, pasa del amor romántico para llegar al amor “real”, en donde uno ama sabiendo los defectos e imperfecciones del otro. Eso es amor incondicional.

El mismo amor puede aplicarse a usted, usted conoce las fallas de su pareja pero reconoce que son iguales, que ambos tienen defectos, que no son perfectos, sabe que puede cometer errores pero que es normal. Eso se llama auto-aceptación y de esa forma espera que el amor incondicional supere los defectos e imperfecciones que tiene la gente.

Entonces, ¿Qué aprendí a partir de esto? ¿Deberíamos todos tener perros para aprender sobre el amor incondicional? Quizá son ellos quienes pueden enseñarnos una lección. Todas nuestras vidas tienen desordenes y conflictos, pero tenemos una tentación a dejar que nuestros problemas gobiernen nuestras vidas.

Pero si usted quiere salvar su matrimonio realmente, es necesario poner el desorden a un lado y dejar que su amor incondicional lo abunde. Está bien tener defectos y cometer errores, el amor los conquistará todos.

Piensa sobre el amor incondicional, y como este puede ayudar a tu matrimonio.

Este artículo de “Recuperar Mi Matrimonio” es traído para usted.

Es posible que se cometan errores que pongan en peligro la recuperación del matrimonio! Recuperar Mi Matrimonio ha ayudado a salvar miles de matrimonios y está garantizada que obtendrá buenos resultados o le devolvemos su dinero.

Usted no puede permitirse el lujo de darle a su matrimonio de 50%, usted necesita brindar el 100% - y es por eso que necesitan la mejor información! Tienes que aprender lo que se necesita para salvar tu matrimonio. Compra el paquete completo que proporciona resultados reales... garantizado.

Tienes que ir a http://157682uou9d4s11h05x5605ybb.hop.clickbank.net/ y obtener mi curso.

¡Porque su matrimonio se merece algo mejor!......

4 Ways To Interpret What She’s Really Thinking


Hey guys. Is a woman driving you crazy? We at MeetYourSweet hear these questions from men all the time:
‘Why is it that women are so cryptic? How are you supposed to know how to act when she is always giving you mixed signals?’
Luckily, we can help.
There are ways which have proven to be effective in breaking down a woman’s defenses, and finding out what she’s really thinking and feeling – about you.
Read below to learn four secrets that will help you to become a master of reading women, so you can know when you are being given the green light.
1. Interpret your woman… by being direct
It seems obvious, but it is something we all often struggle to do: ask outright what our loved one is thinking. This is especially true when we are dating and do not have the security of a relationship to give us courage.
However, a straight up question usually gets a straight up answer, and this can be the most effective way of finding out how a woman is feeling.
The best way to go about this is to be open and honest able how YOU feel, before asking her. This will increase the likelihood that she will also be direct and honest.
For example,
“Natalie, I really like you. I always enjoy spending time with you and would like us to be something more. How do you feel about me?”
Even if it turns out that she does not feel about you the same way, she will really appreciate and respect you for being honest and direct with her. At least then you will know and can stop the agonizing of wondering.

2. Interpret your woman… through her body language
Even though women sometimes seem to give double meanings with their words, they cannot hide their physical responses! Body language can be a really useful indicator of how a woman is feeling.
Here are some cues to look out for when you are with your lady.
Body position: 
Look at where her body is facing. If it if angled towards you, this is a sign she is interested in you and what you are saying. If her body is angled away, this is a sign she is not. Is she leaning forward or pulling back?
Feet give a lot away. Look for whether her toes are pointed towards you or away.
Arms and Legs: 
Crossed arms and legs can indicate being uncomfortable in a situation. However, if legs are still pointing towards you then this is a good sign.
Does her face and mouth seem natural or tense around you? Does she smile and laugh easily? Play close attention to the eyes – when the smile is genuine the corners of her eyes will crinkle. This is an involuntary response!
Does your lady tend to stand or sit quite close to you when you are together? Or keep her distance? Does she mimic you or back away when you move closer? The less distance between you, the more it suggests that she is attracted to you.
Are there times when you seem to touch by accident? Does she find excuses to touch you, such as flicking something off your shirt or pushing your arm?
Although body language may not spell out exactly how your woman is feeling, it should give a pretty clear indication of whether she is comfortable being around you and having you in her personal space.
3. Interpret your woman… through your together time
When two people are in love, they will do anything to be around each other.
For example, I once had a friend called Lucy who lived out of town and as a result I only saw her occasionally at a big social event. Then one night, she met a friend of my partners at a dinner party and fell instantly head over heels.
All of a sudden Lucy was asking to spend time with me every weekend and was traveling all over town to be involved in what my partner and I were doing. Needless to say, this was especially when my partners friend was around.
The two soon hit it off and became comfortable enough to go and do their own thing as a couple. Not long after Lucy moved into town to be closer to her man. Moral of the story: if a woman likes you, she will jump over hurdles to be around you.
So have a think about the times that you have and could have been together. Does she go out of her way to be around you? Does she go to all of the events she knows you’ll be at? Does she always pay attention to you in social situations? Does she keep in regular contact?
If the answer to all of these is yes, then this is a good indication that your lady is interested.
4. Interpret your woman… through your conversation
When we love someone, we want to know all about them. We could spend hours finding out ever little detail of their lives.
Take someone that you’re not interested in, however, and after 10 minutes of hearing all about their childhood you’re most likely to want to make an excuse to leave the room.
So take note of how conversations with your woman have gone. Did she seem interested? Did she ask questions and keep the conversation going? Did she laugh at your jokes?
These are all good indications that she is enjoying your company and is interested in what you have to say.
So don’t give up on trying to figure out your lady – the clues ARE all there, you now just need to go ahead and solve them.
And if you’re looking for more ways to increase your conversation skills with women and find out what they really want from a man to build attraction, I urge you to check out Conversation Chemistry
Good luck guys! Please feel free to share your feedback and own experiences in the comments section below..

Nasal Polyps: An Overview

Nasal polyps are abnormal growths that occur inside the nasal passages and the sinuses (canals found behind the cheekbones). Nasal polyps can range from unnoticeable to large lumps, and sometimes they can hang outside the nose. They can be pink but also yellow or grey in colour. They are soft and often described as jelly-like.

Symptoms of nasal polyps:
Nasal polyps tend to be unnoticeable at first, being dismissed as the irritation associated with a common cold. Some early symptoms include itchiness in your throat and your nose becoming stuffy or occasionally clogged up. These symptoms can increase, and are often followed by your nose running a lot, unexplained bleeding and your nostrils becoming clogged completely. In some cases, if these growths are deep enough in your nose they block the airways at the back of your nasal cavity completely. When nasal polyps get big enough, they are easily visible from the outside.
Nasal polyps can cause you to have difficulty breathing. Loss of sleep can result and snoring is a less common symptom, but also occurs if the mucus growths partly obstruct the airways. You will also find you are more tired and have difficulty concentrating. This is attributed to poor intake of air. You will often compensate by breathing through your mouth, which will cause you to be more susceptible to colds and upper airway infections. This is a result from the fact that you cannot filter the air you breathe through your nose.
In short, symptoms include:
Nasal congestion
Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
Secondary infection which can lead to headaches
Snoring may occur while sleeping
Facial changes are not common, but are can occur
Nose bleeds

Cause of Nasal Polyps:
The exact cause for nasal polyps is unknown; however, they are commonly thought to be caused by:
Cystic fibrosis
Exposure to some forms of chromium
There are a few illnesses that can be associated with nasal polyp formation:
Chronic rhinosinusitis
Aspirin intolerance
Kartagener's syndrome
Young's syndrome
Churg-Strauss syndrome
Nasal Mastocytosis
Cystic fibrosis
Manuel Richards is a certified nutritionist, biomedical researcher and holistic health consultant. He is the author of Nasal Polyps Treatment Miracle™ http://aa35bz2b33o3-7tjwrq9153cz3.hop.clickbank.net/, the only natural, holistic and permanent cure for nasal polyps.

Five Handy Tips to Increase Height

Millions of people all over the world are unhappy with their height. There are a plethora of scams out there that claim that by taking a pill or doing certain exercises, you can make yourself taller. However, by following these tips to increase height, you can alter your appearance significantly without wasting money on methods that don’t work.

1. Your Wardrobe

What you wear can significantly make yourself look taller. By wearing pinstripes, not only do you make yourself look taller, but it creates a slimming effect as well. Try wearing solid colors all over, as wearing a dark shirt with pale pants or vice-versa draws attention to your waistline. Wearing the right pants can make your legs look longer than they actually are—and, incidentally, wearing the wrong pants can make your legs look even shorter. Keep an eye out for what works for you.

2. Your Shoes

It sounds like a given, but you would be surprised how useful your shoes can be. It makes sense that wearing height enhancing insoles or a sandal or boot with higher heels will make you look taller, but did you know that by wearing bulkier shoes, such as tennis shoes, you can make your feet look bigger, thus increasing the illusion? It’s true!

3. Your Hair

When it comes to looking taller, short hair is the way to go. Short hair can make your neck seem longer than it is, as the space between your shoulders and your head is easy to make out. However, long hair ruins this illusion completely and actually makes your neck seem shorter.

4. Your Posture

While you can’t physically increase your height by maintaining a good posture, it does wonders in making you look taller. In contrast, staying slumped in your chair gives you an even shorter appearance, and is bad for your back on top of that. By keeping your back straight, your shoulders back, and your head lifted high, you can appear much taller.

5. Your Attitude

Of course, these enhancements mean absolutely nothing if you’re still unhappy with your appearance. By dressing well and keeping a confident posture, you consequently look and feel better as well. In the long run, it’s the effort to appear attractive that catches the most notice. Out of all the tips to increase height, this is the most important.



Review of the Lean Hybrid Muscle Building Program by Doberman Dan

In the last ten years or so there has been an explosion in the number bodybuilding, training and diet books that absolutely promise to transform your body into the sculpted form you've always dreamed of in just a few short weeks. The problem though is that most of them are trash. They were written not so much to help you get the body you want but to help the author turn a quick buck. That's where Lean Hybrid Muscle (LHM) departs from the pack and leaves them in the dust. Why is that? Because it works-that's why.

One of the things that really sets Lean Hybrid Muscle apart from countless other "get fit" books, programs and routines I've seen is that it is designed to work with our bodies' natural systems, not against them. That in itself is the key difference between LHM and the rest. It also allows you to develop a personalized program that is unique to your body's particular needs. Others don't do that. They make the assumption that because what they did worked for them, it will work for anybody else who does the same thing. The problem is that this just isn't true.

Here's an example. The guys you typically see in the fitness or bodybuilding magazines are genetically gifted-they tend to be naturally lean and muscular. For the rest of the normal world, various techniques like "bulking and cutting" have emerged. Bulking and cutting runs counter to the way that our bodies are designed to operate. That's why with bulking and cutting you usually wind up with a choice: lean and weak or strong and fat. Lean Hybrid Muscle training though, shows you that it is entirely possible to build mass and get lean at the same time.

And what the Lean Hybrid Muscle Building system does is lay out everything you need to know to develop your own program that works for you. You'll learn all about the various training philosophies that are out there along with what's good about them and not so good. The book also shows you how to position yourself physically and mentally for success. LHM calls this Constructing the optimum anabolic environment. Along the way you'll also learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine and how incorporating elements of this ancient philosophy into your training philosophy can set you on a path to success.

The exercise chapters are some of the best around. By performing the exercises they way they're shown here, you'll be able to actually build muscle and burn fat at the same time. LHM has uncovered a way to tap into long dormant systems that enabled our ancestors like the Spartans to be lean, muscular, strong and big. The exercises here will actually enable you to build a different type of muscle-lean hybrid muscle-that is unlike anything you've seen before.

The Lean Hybrid Muscle workout also devotes plenty of space to nutrition, teaching you how to develop a plan that works for you. It's also got a very good section about supplements, helping you to understand the truth from the hype and what works from what doesn't.

It's really got the whole package and all in all I would say that LHM is a great read that unlike a lot of programs out there will really help you achieve the results you want to see. For more information visit this page by clicking here. http://40f56yuqr7n3vcxfu91e9725ih.hop.clickbank.net/

Healing Herpes With Self-Love

When I was a boy we lived in the Ghettoes of Toronto, Canada. We had just immigrated from Trinidad and Tobago. My mother struggled to raise four of us on a waitress salary. There was chaos and self-destruction all around us. Many of my playmates are no longer among the living. But none of this touched us- we were living a different life. My mother was a church-lady. She was strong and resilient and strict. All of us grew up in the church. The church kept us insulated from most of the horrors of poverty.

The church still has its influence on me. I feel it and walk it everyday and I am happy for it. I learned about love in the church. Not the love you see on TV and in the movies- a bigger love, a deeper love. Thats the one sermon from our Jamaican female pastor that I remember the most. When I was 13 she spoke about love. Jesus was all about love, he was love, he is love.

Bryan Ferry from Roxy music sings Love is the drug that I need to score. I disagree, I dont believe that love is a drug- an intoxicant. That sounds more like infatuation to me. I believe that love is a medicine. The Medicine. For those of us in the sixty percent or more of the population with the herpes simplex virus Love is the most powerful healing tool.

Sarah Mclachlan who went to my alma mater-The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, sings Your love is better than ice cream, better than anything Ive ever had. I would sing instead that My love is better than valtrex, better than famvir or anything Ive ever had.

Don Miguel Ruiz writes that healing requires the truth, forgiveness and self-love. With these three points the whole world will heal. I will write about all three in this brief piece.

First the truth. Sixty percent or more of the population has herpes. Its not the 20 or 25% figure thrown out by many who wish to downplay the true impact of the herpes pandemic. In a way its a cynical attempt to divide the herpes nation between those who get sores on their mouth and face from those who get sores on their genitals. It provides a flimsy excuse for people with cold sores to pretend its not herpes, to not get treatment and not to try and prevent others from being infected. Herpes is herpes- its one of the few things scientists and us in the holistic healing community agree on. Figures very widely but it cannot be disputed that between 50 and 80% of the population has herpes simplex 1 and between 20 and 25% of the population has herpes simplex 2, so if you factor in the number of people who have both types, the minimum number of people who have herpes simplex has to be at least 60% and is likely more. This is important because the message needs to get out to people with herpes that they are not part of some marginalized minority. If you have herpes you are part of a herpes nation that is a majority of the population. It is common and normal to have herpes. It is becoming uncommon not to have herpes. It is long past time for people with herpes to come out of the closet and speak up about herpes to help educate the people who dont have herpes and to put a human face on this disease. The stigma only exists because of the shame people with herpes have agreed to carry. There is no need for this, no reason for this. Shame is not a product of love.

It makes no sense to me to be ashamed of getting a virus from an act of lovemaking or kissing rather than getting a disease from self-abuse or catching an air-borne virus from riding on a subway train. Some people do not love sex and therefore wish to denigrate anything that has to do with sex especially sexually transmitted infections. I learned a long time ago in church that true love is accepting and forgiving and inclusive. People with herpes are not lepers and need not allow themselves to be treated like lepers.

The truth is also that there is no cure for herpes and one isnt likely in our lifetime. So herpes is a lifelong viral infection. The truth is that most people who have herpes dont know it because they have never had a type-specific blood test for herpes either out of fear or lack of awareness. (Herpes tests are not normally part of a STI screening panel, so unless you demand one you may never get one) The truth is that people with herpes can be contagious even when there are no warning signs of the virus being active so safer sex is something that ought to be considered. The truth is that a person with herpes who does not make peace with the emotional and mental consequences of having herpes will not be able to manage their herpes as effectively as someone who does regardless of how much valtrex or famvir they take.

Forgiveness. Some people with herpes are still angry and resentful with the person who infected them. I can understand this because I hear so many stories. So many people are infected by people who didnt warn them of their herpes status. Many people are infected by unfaithful partners. Some have been raped.

Its natural to be angry and bitter when given a life-sentence like herpes. It took me a long time to let go of my negative feelings about my own infection. Everyone is living their own distinct experience with herpes. But I say most sincerely that sooner or later and I hope that its sooner, there must come a time to forgive and let go if you want to be healthy with herpes. Hanging on to the negative feelings not only damages you physically and otherwise often causing more outbreaks, but it binds you to the past, which you will never free yourself from until you forgive.

Forgive the person who gave you herpes if you can. And if you cannot, keep trying until you can. But more importantly forgive yourself. I treat so many people in my holistic herpes clinic who are continually punishing themselves for having herpes. They are angry at themselves thinking that they could have been smarter-full of regret and self recriminations. This is not love. Love forgives, love understands.

Be good to yourself, be gentle and loving and patient as if you were your own child. Forgive yourself and reclaim your self-esteem and self-love.

Do you love yourself? Do you really? If you have herpes and love yourself how would you act? Would you be ashamed of your herpes? Would you stop dating and deny yourself love and sex just because you have herpes? Would you be sitting in a vortex of anger and resentment towards the virus? Or would you life be all about love and peace and balance?

If you loved yourself- how would you eat? Would you smoke cigarettes and take recreational drugs, would you drink coffee knowing that its a trigger for your herpes and bad for your health all the way around?
Learn more by visiting her website:  http://cdeea4yq-3mxr70escxbubwa7j.hop.clickbank.net/

Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

The intense existence of harmful chemicals and toxic metals in our environment, in the medicines that we take, in the food that we eat and even in our dental fillings, creates a huge challenge for our body to effectively rid itself from these toxins resulting in a vicious cycle that manifests itself in a variety of symptoms and health problems, among them is candida albicans overgrowth that causes the symptoms of yeast infection to appear. 

Chemical and toxic metal build up inside the body can also lead to hormonal imbalance, genetic alterations, immune system failure, poor elimination, slower healing process, skin problems, allergies and nerve and brain damage. 

The presence of heavy metals in the body (led, silver, mercury) coming from food, the air that we breath, medicines and dental fillings (contain 50% amalgam), create an acidic and anaerobic (lacks oxygen) environment I that encourages candida yeast overgrowth. 

When there is toxic metal overload in the intestine, the intestinal lining produces extra mucus to block metals from being absorbed into the blood stream. The problem is that this mucus creates an environment, which lacks oxygen, thus encourages bacteria and fungi like organisms such as candida yeast to grow out of control. 

Moreover, candida binds to heavy metals (even in your amalgam fillings) and overgrows as the body performs a desperate attempt to protect itself against heavy metal poisoning. 

A deep metal detoxification combined with the gradual removal of amalgam dental filling and replacing them with safer white fillings is one of the most important and fundamentals steps in battling candida yeast infection and restoring the body back into balance. 

This article is based on the book, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website:


" Have You Seen Linda Allen's new Candida System yet? It's called "Yeast Infection No More" I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your yeast infection without drugs, creams or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information:
Click Here -->